Thursday, August 7, 2014

Why I hate Moslems


They make genocide seem like such a reasonable response.

I hate that they can put civilization into the position of having to choose barbarity to save itself from barbarity, or to accept it’s own annihilation.

Case 1:  Witness the Palestinians.  They take every dollar of humanitarian aid given to them and turn it to attack humanity.  They intentionally use the protected marking of hospitals and ambulances to carry war materials and as staging areas for attacks and depend on their enemies to obey those same markings.  They use their women and children as human shields.  The women and children themselves are raised generation after generation to accept that role and relish it.  No one can “save them” from this monstrosity of civil life because they don’t want to be saved.

Case 2:  ISIS, ISIL, “Arab Spring”.  Turning back the clock in every direction they infest.  Bringing back beheadings, slavery and every atrocity that mankind thought it had moved away from hundreds of years ago.  Slaughtering Christians and others. Destroying antiquities. There is really no atrocity they have not committed.  They sheer virulance should be enough to get all of the Arab states who are immediately threatened by them to band together to exterminate them.  All those countries that have been investing billions in their armaments for decades.  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Emirates, Iran, Iraq (what’s left of it), Turkey, Syria (what’s left of it), Jordan, Egypt.  They all have a stake in this.  And they are all sitting on their hands hoping the USA will bail them out again.  Sorry, Dudes.  Wrong president for that.  You are unwilling to take on this task yourself.  You are going to get your Caliphate shoved up your collective asses.

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