Sunday, September 7, 2014

Illegal Aliens

A few thoughts for Americans (justifiably) upset by the influx of illegal Mexicans:

First, they come because you invite them. In effect you say, “Diego, don’t you cross that river. If you do, and we catch you, we’ll just put you back across the border and you can try again, perhaps the same night. When you make it across, which is easy, we’ll give you a good job and, depending on where you are, a driver’s license, schools for your kids, welfare, food stamps, and medical care. Any children you have will be US citizens and, as we all know, sooner or later you will have amnesty Now, don’t cross that river, you hear?.”

That’ll work.


  1. Personally, I thought land mines would be the most effective, but, who am I.

    1. My cousin, who flew 120 missions over North Vietnam as a Marine aviator, said just line the border with Claymores. Problem solved!

  2. I like your cousin.

    1. :) If he was in charge, he'd order it in the wink of an eye.
