Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Goodies from Ol' Remus

 The White Slaves of Barbary

art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg White slaves
It is estimated that up to 1.25 million Europeans were enslaved by the so-called Barbary corsairs, and their lives were just as pitiful as their African counterparts. They have come to be known as the white slaves of Barbary. The corsairs landed on unguarded beaches and crept up on villages in the dark to capture their victims. Almost all the inhabitants of the village of Baltimore, in Ireland, were taken in this way in 1631, says April Holloway in this article, The White Slaves of Barbary, at Ancient Origins.

 art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif How to Gird Up Your Loins: An Illustrated Guide, by AoM Team at Art of Manliness.

art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif Ebola news articles scrubbed from the internet - I sent out a memo to all of our staff. It said: So over the past few days of our Ebola coverage we’ve had a recurring problem. Mainstream sources keep taking down information. Information is being blacked out. Sometimes when we try to find an archived version, the internet has been scrubbed of the information. Readers follow the links we provide and discover the story says something totally different. FROM THIS POINT FORWARD: If you are writing something about Ebola, take a screen shot of whatever source you’re quoting. Make sure the address bar above shows in the screen shot. This is absolutely necessary and there are to be no exceptions. Our integrity is at stake here.
Kimberly Paxton at thedailysheeple.com

Hope and no change - Going to the voting booth only changes the players… not the game. Every single election cycle people fill themselves with hope. They delude themselves into believing that everything will get better if they vote the right guy into office. Of course, the right guy very quickly turns into the last guy. And nothing changes.
Simon Black at sovereignman.com

art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif Full retard - No telling what the sick call-off rate will be tomorrow at that (Dallas) hospital, but they've turned all ambulances away and closed their ER until further notice. Which probably means it's presumptively contaminated too... In case no one mentions it on the news, shutting down a 56-bed ER for a 968-bed acute care primary hospital in a major city is HUGE. This is just the beginning. And the officials and media have been lying to you every day in every way since this started.
Aesop at raconteurreport.blogspot.com

Africa Wins Again - A new and remarkably candid on-the-ground audit from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ebola crisis in Liberia said that doctors and nurses have fled hospitals in the infection zone and that obstacles to killing the virus remain... The review of the southeastern Liberian counties in August found utter chaos and a full breakdown in the medical system, which has contributed to the spread of Ebola. It also found that locals didn’t know how to identify Ebola, even though the virus was dominating other areas of the country. “No Ebola surveillance systems were in place.”
Paul Bedard at washingtonexaminer.com

Smithsonian goes NASA - As humans continue to transform the planet at an increasingly rapid rate, the need to inform and encourage change has become ever more urgent. The situation is becoming critical for wild species and for the preservation of human civilization. Recognizing this urgency, the Smithsonian Institution has formulated its first official statement about the causes and impacts of climate change.
Saba Naseem at smithsonianmag.com
Remus says - The Smithsonian has betrayed their mandate, decades of carefully guarded integrity and the trust of its supporters.


  1. Damn! Those black devils in Ferguson owe me! They owe me big! I think two or three million (along with a new Cadillac) ought to be enough. Their failure to pay up will result in me shutting down their town. I might decide to burn their houses down too.
