Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Police State Targets Dissidents: Government To “Impose Extreme Disruption Orders On Individuals”

Via Jeffery


The battle for hearts and minds is on and the elite are getting fed up with citizen proles who believe it a right to speak freely and openly about their ideologies and criticisms of government policies.

Their attempts to control the agenda and conversation have repeatedly been met with protests, both online and off, as traditional mainstream audiences migrate by the millions to alternative media and citizen journalism.

But this obvious threat to the establishment’s status quo won’t be allowed to go on much longer. A recent interview with the head of England’s Ministry of Home Security, the British counterpart of America’s Department of Homeland Security, shows just how dangerous open thought and free speech are.


  1. This country is so on the edge of an abyss and 90% of the people have no idea.

    Put on your tinfoil and think of this; ebola is being shipped INTO this country - by the *hundreds*, and soon to be *thousands*.( Because. 'Mercua Medcine!' How about an outbreak, widespread type stuff - end of 2015, early 2016... there's every ability and allowance for martial law in the NDAA and other bills passed since. "Whoops - hey ya'll, sorry. I'll sit for the beginning off a 3rd term while we get this messy infectious disease stuff handled - you just stay home and be safe...remember - streets are closed to all traffic by our finest Mil.Forces. Soon as this is handled, we'll get that voting thing back on track!"

    *shakes head*...

    1. hey ya'll, sorry. I'll sit for the beginning off a 3rd term while we get this messy infectious disease stuff handled - you just stay home and be safe...remember - streets are closed to all traffic by our finest Mil.Forces. Soon as this is handled, we'll get that voting thing back on track!"


  2. Don't think so either. Shooting begins immediately. Complete with IED's and WMD (Ebola included) for the elite and their children.

  3. Yup. I always say, if I get Ebola because of these retards in power, I will go on a letter mailing freny ;) Oops, sorry I coughed blood all over your letter, Official So-And-So!

    1. sorry I coughed blood all over your letter, Official So-And-So!

      Premeditated murder. :)
