Sunday, October 26, 2014

The criminalization of Christianity is here


Kahnh Huynh knows something about living under in a society devoid of freedom of religion, speech and association.

He was one of millions in Communist Vietnam who fled the police state in rickety boats, sent to re-education prison camps for his Christian faith or political views or was killed for opposing totalitarianism.

In Kahnh’s case, he risked his life for a chance he and his children could live free in America.
“We could not express our freedom of religion and belief,” he told WND. “We paid … to come to our country (the U.S.), that recognizes human rights of speech and religion.”

Today, Kahnh is a U.S. citizen and Christian pastor whose sermons and communications about homosexuality are being subpoenaed by the lesbian mayor of Houston under the city’s “non-discrimination” law Mayor Annise Parker says was all about her.

More @ WND


  1. This action in Houston is certainly a potential watershed moment...
    I'm being a bit dramatic but can you imagine the number of other communities that'll try this if Houston gets away with it?

    The other side of this that'll be interesting to watch are the leftish pastors who think that this type of request is OK... if you see pastors turning in their sermons and some not - that'll make the 'non complying' seem to be the bad guy...

    1. I can't imagine any doing so, but I've been wrong once before........:)

  2. To all those Libertarians out there who said, "How can gays getting married possibly affect my life - Live & Let Live!!!" I TOLD YOU SO - This is where it always was heading (to shut down Bible-believing Christians). I would love to hear what Neal Boortz has to say now. For a lawyer and a Christian, he should have known better. I think Ron Paul has essentially said the same thing that it's just not the Govt's business.

    Then who should have the authority to acknowledge that this is mainly a financial contract about property, including financial responsibility for any children born in the marriage? This can be handled by a Judge or JP. Religious ceremonies add that component of a marriage covenant with God, even though the legal stuff all is there, too.

    Pastors need to smarten up if they want to survive. Hopefully they do more now than back in my day to make sure the couples all go to marriage classes for several weeks and also be formal members of the respective church. Much counseling would also be in order. Stop making it so easy for people to get married in your churches. Of course, this must all be done with the utmost of love towards these poor lost souls who have come to do you in.

    The Govt. tells us by law who we can't (currently) marry, like an 6 year old child, or a sibling, or your own parent, or three other people, or that fetching young lamb. If all of that goes away, and I predict it will, Christian pastors are done unless they fight back hard and stop pretending this isn't a REAL WAR. Funny that no one is asking the imams to dishonor their faith, just the Christians.

    Hmmm - That Slippery Slope is here - it's all designed to shut down America as we know it and bring Chaos to the land.

    1. the utmost of love towards these poor lost souls who have come to do you in.

      I'm afraid I would fail at this. :)

    2. This will keep them off balance and make 'em crazy... well, worth it.

  3. It makes me so proud to see what women in authority have brought to the table in America ;(

  4. I hope people begin to wake-up to how dictatorial and controling liberals are. They talk tolerance and diversity but only practice the opposite. Adolph Hitler only dreamed to be as controlling as the average liberal.


    1. I hope people begin to wake-up to how dictatorial and controling liberals are. They talk tolerance and diversity but only practice the opposite.

      & the sheeple are too dumb to know any difference. Pathetic.

  5. I would expect some Houstonian to appear and take that queer human being out. The actions of that 'it' was totally beyond the pale.

  6. I tried to warn the pastor and members of my former church that the persecution of Christians (the Bible believers) is here and happening now, and it is only a matter of time before it comes a knocking on our door. One guy gave that look like he thought I was a nut case, and called me an extremist. My pastor, was not interested in what I had to say. He was too busy reassuring the congregation that he was; "hard working tax paying American" just like they were. Ah, stop and re-read that line "hard working tax paying American" and think about. Yeah, I resigned my membership. It is cold hearted of me but, I don't give a (blank) what happens to any of them now. I tried to warn them. The gods of the Copy Book Heading will have a say in the matter. If they want to be sheeple, fine. I'm going to be a badger, singing March of Cambreth.

  7. angrymike has left a new comment on your post "The criminalization of Christianity is here":

    I've said this over and over, people look at me like I'm crazy !!!!!!!...... :-(
