Thursday, November 27, 2014

Ferguson Protesters Call to Boycott Businesses on Black Friday ‘Unless They Are Black-Owned’


  1. As a security agent for a national retailer this may be an economic plus. Shoplifting should be way down. People shopping should be paying with earned money not gov't hand outs. Of course, many can't shop until cards are reloaded at midnight on the last day of the month anyway so its a wash.

  2. That's great news for business owners! I know that I wouldn't want any of them in my business. Less people to watch. Less chance of trouble. Less chance that I would have to kill one (or more), defend myself in a long, drawn out court proceeding calling me a mad white racist!

    1. Less chance that I would have to kill one (or more), defend myself in a long, drawn out court proceeding calling me a mad white racist!


  3. And as a former small retail business owner, I can heartily say,...YAY!!! Nobody will miss their 5 finger discounting, loud mouth, argumentive, azzes anyway. Theres more to life than money and a day without fools could be worth it.

  4. does a sign out front have the same effect?

    1. I remember when growing up that there was a sign on the Frost Diner which is still in business in Warrenton, Virgina which stated: Due To Our Facilities We Are Unable To Serve Colored Patrons.

  5. It's gone full circle, first they couldn't get a snow cone and they rioted now you will sell them one , but they don't want it if it is not sold by black hands you just can't make em happy
