Monday, November 10, 2014

Obamacare Architect: We Passed the Law Thanks to the ‘Stupidity of the American Voter’

Via LH


  1. And the friggin Commie is happy and laughing. I'd love to set the cross hairs on his melon at about 400 yards. I can envision a beautiful pink mist settling in the sun light.


  2. Uh---I'm hoping that our new Republickan overlords will graft a pair and really investigate this ahole...and demand all of his emails and other forms of communication to the White House and Congress....this is a clear admission of premeditated fraud.

    Too bad our surprese court jester Roberts is such a compromised woose---should be cause to revisit and reverse the recent ovomitcare decesion....

    1. this is a clear admission of premeditated fraud.


  3. Let's trip down Memory Lane. Obama usurped the Presidency back in Jan.2009 - he also had a Dem Congress to help him along his way. The law didn't originate in the House of Representatives, where it was supposed to occur, so that full hearings could be held and then We the People would know what was going on. The full text of the law was not even written when the Senate ramrodded it through. On to the House, Ms. Pelosi stated infamously, "We have to pass the bill to know what is in the bill." The law passed without a single Republic vote on Christmas Eve. Unprecedented to do this with a law that would have such devastating impact on everyone, including the dummy socialist, Mr. Gruber.

  4. I guess I missed Sir Gruber's point, which I beg for forgiveness, further proving his point of how stupid I am. He is saying that the Dems had to do all of the things I described above because We the Peasants are too stupid to know what is good for us and they did this only for our own good. Now I get it. Like Bernie Sanders and Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy (may he rest in hell) have said for many years : Individuality sucks! None of you know what is good for you, so let us take care of you before you really hurt yourselves.
    How is everyone liking the end of the Rule of Law?

    1. None of you know what is good for you, so let us take care of you before you really hurt yourselves.


  5. I finally heard this guy speak -- why is it that all the commie metrosexusls and deviants in charge sound like 12 yr old girls when they speak?

    Actually my 12 yr old speaks more coherently than any of the so called super fart smellers in charge do.

    Really. What is holding us back from reversing this course of devastation?

    1. What is holding us back from reversing this course of devastation?

      Where is the final straw?
