Sunday, November 2, 2014

This Video Will Make It Punishingly Clear How The Union Won The Civil War (sic)

Via Bill

The Civil War was a crucial moment in American history, a bitter struggle for the nation’s future and, depending on how you look at it, it was basically over before it began.

Looking at a dynamic map of the war shows just how hard-pressed the Confederacy was from the start — and how the Union attacked from all sides to crush the South.


  1. And today, Lincoln has Satan sticking his nailed, diseased, fingers in that soft rotting hole in the back of his head. May he, likewise, suffer for all of eternity.

  2. This was a very good video presentation, by the way. The music fit like a glove.
    It was like watching chess pieces fall. The beginning of the end.

  3. This video shows the implementation of the Anaconda Plan, a.k.a. Scott's Great Snake. IMO, the Confederacy was damaged, not on the blockade, but on the Union victories at Vicksburg and New Orleans thus giving the Union control of the Mississippi. The video clearly shows this. But this video also gives the impression that the blockade was a show-stopper from day one. That simply isn't true.

    "Overall, in terms of closing off ports, capturing ships, and stopping supply lines, the blockade was ineffective. .............For the first few years, there was virtually no blockade and the blockade runners entered and cleared Southern ports with minimal risks. Only very late in the war was it actually more effectively enforced, but by that time the war had basically been decided. ........... The failure of the Confederacy to supply its armies should not be credited to the Union blockade, but to other factors
    that did not allow the Confederacy to take full advantage of its blockade-runners." *


    UNION BLOCKADE 1861-1865
    Jochem H. Tans

    1. The failure of the Confederacy to supply its armies should not be credited to the Union blockade, but to other factors

      Of which, the blockade was one. Thanks. Kinda like the cause: 10 different reasons, but the simplest is to simple state the marriage had gone bad and it was time for a divorce as they did not agree on anything at all, even the design of the capitol. :)
