Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Geographical mix-up brings PA boy to SC to hunt with sheriff

A little boy desperately wanted to go hunting with anybody who might have taken him. So when Alex Collins saw the invitation from the Chester County Sheriff on the department's Facebook page, he jumped at the chance and wrote a letter.

In it, 9-year-old Alex said he doesn't have anyone to teach him to hunt.

"It's just me and my Mom and she's too sick to do stuff," the note explained. "She has a bad heart. I think you are really nice to do this. I hope you pick me to go."

The boy hand-delivered the letter to the Sheriff's Office, the only problem, he lives in Chester County, Pennsylvania and the invitation was from the sheriff in Chester County, South Carolina.
It was a simple mistake. It has turned into one of the most touching stories you'll see this holiday season.


  1. I don't see the problem, take the kid hunting.i wish someone would have done that for me when I was his age. If money's the problem set up a donation button, you'll have enough in 10 minutes

    1. Thanks and that's a thought. How would you proceed?

  2. I think we could set up a po box or just have your button for the donations.everyone could send their donations with a note that it goes for the kid. Or the donations could be collected by the flaggers. Then distributed accordingly lots of ways to go with this, should we try?

    1. You mean start this for any kid who wants to go hunting?

  3. Maybe, like the boyscouts without the gays call em "Dixie Kids" ok that's my mania talking. Yes this one kid. But we could set up a trust... I'm not a lawyer, anybody know one?

    1. I believe the last honorable one died many years ago........:)
