Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Sheriff Clarke: Obama, Holder, Blasio Made ‘Pathway That Contributes to Unjustifiable Hatred' of Police

 clarke, sheriff
President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio have fueled animosity towards the police through political rhetoric and “created a pathway that contributes to an unjustifiable hatred of law enforcement officers across the country,” said Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr., now in his 37th year of law enforcement and who was named the 2013 Sheriff of the Year.

More with video @ CNS News


  1. Ok, I admit this may considered trival compared to other issues regarding the current state of law enforcement, but I do consider it worth a comment; Why the stars on the shoulder? I've noticed how many LEO's will have stars on their uniforms, as if they were some kind of a miltiary general. See the picture in your posting. I see it as a part of this police as a para military organization. A good sheriff ought to have enough overall respect by the community as a whole that he keep the peace by talking things out rather than conducting a no-knock, no warrent special operations team at oh-dark-thirty. BTW, a sheriffs uniform ought to be the traditional tan color, NOT SWAT black.

    1. Seems like all sheriffs and police chiefs use four stars and I've always thought it was ridiculous also. No-knocks should be illegal for sure and colors of uniforms vary throughout the nation

  2. I usually agree with what he says. Not this time. "Unjustifiable hatred" is entirely justifiable in a lot of cases.

    1. in a lot of cases.

      I agree, but liberals paint 100% of the groups they don't like with the same brush.
