Wednesday, February 25, 2015

42% of Hispanics Born in US Oppose Obama's Amnesty & Hispanics to Fill 75% of New US Jobs by 2034

A new poll shows that Latinos overwhelmingly support President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration — but the numbers are not as clear cut as the White House would hope.

The Gallup poll says that Latinos back Obama’s plan by 64 percent to 28 percent, compared to Americans overall, who disapprove of the measure by 51 percent while 41 support it.

But The Washington Post pointed out that the results are “misleading” because Obama’s order is only exceedingly popular among one single group of Hispanics — Hispanic immigrants.

Latino immigrants approve of the president’s action by 75 percent to 17 percent, while Hispanics born in the United States are "relatively evenly split" on the measure, 51 percent  who are in favor and 42 percent who disapprove, the Post reports.

"It's hardly a resounding stamp of approval for the executive action from non-immigrant Hispanics," wrote the Post’s Aaron Blake in The Fix, the political commentary section.
"And that matters, electorally speaking. That's because Hispanics who are born in this country are much more likely to be Hispanic voters.

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Hispanics will occupy more than 75 percent of new jobs in the United States between 2020 and 2034 — which amounts to 11 million jobs, according to the results of a new study.

The IHS study concluded that employment growth among the Hispanic population will average 2.6 percent per year over the next 20 years. During that same time frame, according to the data, growth in the non-Hispanic workforce will fall to almost nothing, meaning Hispanics will make up 23 percent of all U.S. employment by 2034. In 2014, that figure was 16 percent.
Other findings include the number of Hispanics that speak Spanish at home, which will rise from 36.9 million to 55.4 million by 2034, and the theory that an increased amount of immigrants flocking to the U.S. will help strengthen the U.S. economy.

"The Hispanic population is a younger and faster-growing segment of the population, while trends in the non-Hispanic population are heavily influenced by the aging baby-boomer generation that is moving into retirement," said IHS economist James Gillula, the lead author of the study. "The Hispanic population will play an increasingly significant role in future U.S. employment growth."

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  1. Ya know, I could 'almost' get behind 'amnesty' IF they would close the borders, start rigorously enforcing current immigration laws, AND start actually locking up the ones who are already here when they commit additional crimes. Of course most of us know they aren't about to start holding any of them accountable........................

  2. Yeah and they already went through this in the eighties.

  3. I agree with the statement that U.S. born (that makes them American) Latinos aren't behind amnesty as much as the media portrays them. The reason they leave their country is to make a life that has opportunities that don't exist where they come from. I get that - EVERYONE wants their kids to have a better life then the parents.

    But I have a problem with ILLEGAL ALIENS becoming citizens at the drop of a hat. All of the immigrants who went through the legal channels, studied for the citizenship tests, payed the fees and sons of fees to get their citizenship. Just wasted their time, apparently.

    Our administration has some serious BSing going on here.

    1. All of the immigrants who went through the legal channels, studied for the citizenship tests, payed the fees and sons of fees to get their citizenship. Just wasted their time, apparently.

      Precisely, took us 12 years.

  4. The only demographics that are procreating are the ones on the public dole. We are funding our own demise.

    Caucasians aren't reproducing because we are in a dying empire (and dead republic) and there is no hope. Also the constant focus on self, self gratificiation, no self denial, self importance, selfishness. Actually pride, lust, avarice, greed, sloth and envy are all propagandized to be paramount to happiness.

    1. Caucasians aren't reproducing because we are in a dying empire (and dead republic) and there is no hope. Also the constant focus on self, self gratificiation, no self denial, self importance, selfishness. Actually pride, lust, avarice, greed, sloth and envy are all propagandized to be paramount to happiness.

      Sad, sad sad.
