Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Guilt Complex Industry

Via Billy
 53rd North Carolina, Fort Mahone/ "Fort Damnation" Petersburg, Virginia

 Requiem Aeternam - Eternal Rest Grant unto Them

Marxist Cultural Genocide takes many forms, everything from destroying the cultural symbols of a people to making them feel guilty about who they are, making them ashamed to be what they are so they long to be something else.

Ever since the supposed end of the War of Northern Aggression (it never truly ended because it was a culture war) in 1865 it has been the main chore of the Yankee/Marxist propaganda mills to make sure the Southern people never felt good enough about themselves or their Cause that they would stand up and defend either their Cause or themselves. These subversive tactics ranged everywhere (and they are blatantly apparent in our day) from the removal of Confederate flags, statues and even street and park names to trying to make Southern folks feel guilty about their Southern accents.