Friday, March 6, 2015

U. California students remove offensive American flag from 'inclusive' space

Via comment by Cav Med on New Jersey Sen. Menendez to face federal corruptio...


The Associated Students of University of California, Irvine (ASUCI) voted Tuesday to remove all flags, including American flags, from an inclusive space on campus because of their offensive nature.

The bill, R50-70, was authored by Social Ecology Representative Matthew Guevara, and accuses all flags, especially, the American flag, of being “symbols of patriotism or weapons for nationalism.”

"[F]lags construct paradigms of conformity and sets [sic] homogenized standards for others to obtain which in this country typically are idolized as freedom, equality, and democracY."   
“[F]lags construct paradigms of conformity and sets [sic] homogenized standards for others to obtain which in this country typically are idolized as freedom, equality, and democracy,” the bill reads.

The legislation argues that flags may be interpreted differently; the American flag, for example, can represent “American exceptionalism and superiority,” as well as oppression.


  1. Where did these f*ckin people come from? Ever since this guy got elected the losers of the world have crawled out from under their rocks.

    1. Ever since this guy got elected the losers of the world have crawled out from under their rocks.


    2. Just witnessed on the dictator news a bunch of dark skinned zombies praising the message of you know who, telling them free brains for all! Change, change, change! We can burn the constitution! WTF??? My friggin ears are on fire! Only mabe 20 white faces in the audience. The intentions are clear, we are the enemy

  2. What a dumbass! I eat and read everyday, and I'm sure the foodstampers are eating well (likely not reading though). I wasn't made aware you can get guns with foodsamps! I guess I need more guns.

  3. All of that? Coming from a damned wetback?

  4. Speaking of California, did you know the following; I didn't, but do now. Don't
    forget how history repeats itself:
    At Fort MacArthur, California, and in other centers, considerable numbers of American military forces went into training in 1951 as “Military Government Reserve Units.” What they were for may appear from their practice maneuvers during the two years, 1951-1952. Their first sally took place on July 31, 1951, when they simulated an invasion and seizure of nine California cities: Compton, Culver City, Inglewood, Hawthorne, Huntington Park, Long Beach, Redondo Beach, South Gate and Torrance. The invading forces, however, did not fly the American flag. They came in under the flag of the United Nations, and their officers stated that they represented the United Nations.

    These forces arrested the mayors and police chiefs, and pictures later appeared in the newspapers showing these men in jail. The officers issued manifestoes reading “by virtue of the authority vested in me by the United Nations Security Council.” At Huntington Park they held a flag-raising ceremony, taking down the American flag and running up in its place the United Nations banner.

    On April 3, 1952, other units did the same thing at Lampasas, Texas. They took over the town, closed churches, strutted their authority over the teachers and posted guards in classrooms, set up concentration camps, and interned businessmen after holding brief onesided trials without habeas corpus.

    Said a newspaper report of that Texas invasion:

    “But the staged action almost became actual drama when one student and two troopers forgot it was only make-believe. ‘Ain’t nobody going to make me get up,’ cried John Snell, 17, his face beet-red. One of the paratroopers shoved the butt of his rifle within inches of Snell’s face and snarled, ‘You want this butt placed in your teeth? Get up.’”

  5. Link for the above:

  6. Also, pls check out the info on Major Arch Roberts who wrote a book in 1966
    titled "Victory Denied - Why Your Son Faces Death in "No-Win-Wars".
    Seems back then more military spoke out about the going-ons. Tried to find a
    download or PDF on his book but none found.
    Sorry about the lateness of hour.

    1. Not at all and thanks, I'll check it out tomorrow.
