Thursday, April 2, 2015

52% of Americans see Obama as a threat to the United States

Via David

Reuters is pooh-poohing the findings of its poll as Republicans-hate Obama.

But the results show half of all Americans -- black and white -- male and female -- gay and straight -- see President Barack Obama as a threat to the United States of America.

Only 35% say he poses no threat.

Wow. Finally something we agree on.

From Reuters, the question: "How much of a threat does President Barack Obama pose to the United States?"

More @ Don Surber


  1. I don't remember the last time I heard the results of a potus approval poll, hmmm, wonder why? Media bias at the highest tard factor of all time. We are at war. They are wining.

    1. I assume all MSM had commies in charge just waiting for the right person to enter, so that could go 100% protective.

  2. He is not just a threat. He's a lethal threat.
