Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Court: DHS Must Say Why Secret Plan to Shut Down Cellphone Service Is Legal

Via Joe


The government will soon have to defend its position as to why it should be allowed to shut down cellphone service in the event of a “critical emergency,” while keeping any such plans to do so a secret.

Referred to as Standard Operating Procedure 303, the government’s power to effectively render your phone useless under extraordinary circumstances was billed as a “unified voluntary process for the orderly shut-down and restoration of wireless services during critical emergencies,” ArsTechnica reported. Such an emergency could include the “threat of radio-activated improvised explosive devices.”

More @ The Blaze


  1. Can't have the populace talking to one another during an 'emergency'. They might just figure out what's really going on... have to keep them compartmentalized. Segregated, separated.

  2. The legality of this is irrelevant. If they implement such a plan all bets...and all laws are off. But when you want to go full blown Stalin you want to control ALL communications.
    That is why this plan exists.

    1. when you want to go full blown Stalin you want to control ALL communications.

      Yes, Sir.

  3. I guess that is why everybody should have a Ham radio. Don't depend on them;
    depend on yourself and the trusted ones. History is full of subverted attacks on
    the populace by the walking scum.

    1. History is full of subverted attacks on the populace by the walking scum.


  4. A Freedom of Information Act was requested regarding this cell control. The courts
    denied the request. What we have here is a problem with the fed gov which serves
    the states and the people; we don't serve them. Our liberties are protected by the
    Constitution not by them. Anyway, at least there are the rebellious types who define
    liberty. A true cutie:
