Friday, May 15, 2015

Alumni of South Carolina school named for slave say new logo racist

Via Billy

Filed under, you can't make this stuff up....................

Alumni of a school named for a slave who later became a South Carolina congressman say the school's logo is offensive.

The school is named after Robert Smalls, a slave who escaped and later captured a Confederate ship during the Civil War. He went on to serve five terms in Congress.

The logo shows a man with a two-toned face, ponytail and colonial-era garb with the words "Robert Smalls Generals."

"It is a slap in the face to anyone who has attended Robert Smalls, and it is an insult to all of us in the Beaufort community," said Charlotte Brown, who attended Robert Smalls School from elementary school in 1955 until high school graduation in 1967. "He has earned respect, not just locally, but nationally."

More @ AL


  1. I really don't get it. Why is the logo racist?

    1. You got me. :) Commies doing whatever they think will progress their cause regardless of truth or validity of course.
