Monday, July 27, 2015

Faux (Fox) News Demonstrates it’s Hostility towards Conservatives by Ignoring Ted Cruz Story

Via Terry

Forty-eight hours after Senator Ted Cruz’s historic speech where for the first time in the modern era a Senator from the  Republican Party attacks the Republican Senate Majority Leader for lying to the caucus and himself, and here is the grand total of the Fox News Channel coverage of this event:


Then suddenly, at 1 p.m. Eastern Time today, the network finally covers the story for all of one minute, with a bit mention and short piece of video from his speech. Nothing on the Friday night Special Report program, nothing on Saturday, nothing on their Sunday news program, zero, zip, nada when the network has its largest viewership.

Why is this happening and what is the real cause of the Faux News Channel disdain for Ted Cruz and other firebrands like Donald Trump?

More @ Shenandoah


  1. The RNC was recently begging me for money, I sent them a letter stating clearly that not a dime would be sent as long as the affordable death care act was the law of the land. Furthermore my funds were better spent on ammunition. Screw those puds. I say burn this mother down. If. Cruz is not seriously considered, ill vote straight demonrat.

  2. No mention of this either: Caught on Camera: Illegals Smuggle Drugs Into Laredo Before Trump Visit - Shock footage validates Trump's assertion on Mexicans bringing drugs into America

    I added the shitbags of teleprompter MSM regurgitation to my list
    of treasonous traitors long ago.

    1. Thanks and what a find.

  3. Fox News is little different than MSNBC. Both are told by their masters what to report and more important what NOT to report. Fox was created because the middle and right of the country could not stomach the rest of the far left media. Fox gave them a home they thought supported their views. Fox doesn't believe in conservative ideas. It is just there to channel the "correct" news in a way that does not turn off anyone not a radical leftist.


    1. I didn't need to know anymore about them when they got rid of the Judge.

  4. Fox is like much of media, it lives in the "new" paradigm. Remember the new paradigm that the financial world lived by and promoted until it all blew up and is still propped up. The media paradigm is don't worry-be happy, I feel your pain, I'm ok-you're ok-we're all ok, and can't we all just get along! That paradigm is crumbling and they don't know how to deal with it. And of course I feel their pain.

    1. That paradigm is crumbling and they don't know how to deal with it

      Looks like it.
