Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Moneychanger on the SC fiasco 


The Moneychanger


 Today South Carolina's republican governor signed a bill removing the Confederate flag from the capitol grounds. Republicans came south in 1861 robbing, raping, burning, & killing, & they have never stopped. They are perfectly happy to take part in annihilating Southern culture & the Southern people, & Democrats are happy to help them. As much respect as I have for South Carolina & my friends there, I am ashamed for them today. South Carolina has let lies crowd out the truth. 




& a Repost from Thursday, June 25, 2015


 "Y'all, my heart's about to break. I'm so tired of hearing the Confederate flag blamed for murder and racism and every bad thing by politicians wearing out their knees for votes and people too ignorant of history & truth to argue with.

This is the same Gramscian consciousness molding campaign that was started in the early 1990s by people who make a living stirring up trouble between the races. Ignored and largely unreported in all these terrible events is the majestic and sublime Christian response by those robbed of their loved ones and by others in Charleston.

THAT is the South that I love, and the Confederate flag has never stood for any other South, regardless how many lunatics, liars, and murderers have used it for their own purposes. Lawlessness & senseless bloodshedding is what 250,000 Confederate soldiers died to prevent.


  1. Information about flag removal tomorrow: Things to know if you go to Friday’s flag-removal ceremony -

    Barricades set up around front of State House

    Large crowds expected Friday morning for 10 am removal

    Gervais and Main streets in front of capital closed; private weapons banned

  2. They enacted an emergency weapons ban. Don't think they have a legal leg to stand on tho.

    1. Yes and I would like to know on whose authority.

  3. She acted like... like a Republican!

    1. She makes me sick and hopefully this will be her last term.

  4. Is this, in any way, different than Reconstruction?

  5. How long will the snipers and armed guards be in place?
    In the dead of night someone should replace it. And add one to every street corner.
    heads would explode

    1. :) ! I believe they are going to take down the flag pole also. Knee jerk away.

  6. In 1865 the Republican party raped the south to destroy Southern culture. Today in 2015 Democrats are back to finish the job.


    1. Democrats are back to finish the job.

      With much help from the neo-cons.

  7. Two things stick in my head in regards to all this. 1. Governor Haley met with each political member privately, one at a time before the vote. 2. As soon as she signed the bill the NCAA lifted their ban on South Carolina, and the news folks here in the upstate were giddy with the thoughts of revenue. I live in the South but was born and raised in Massachusetts. To you people born and raised here, I believe y'all were sold up the river for a few pieces of gold. Remembering this at the voting booth ain't gonna do shit. Money talks and in this case heritage walks.

    1. I was rhinking it was someone has dirt on her...but gold would also explain it.

    2. Yes and our system is corrupt to the core.

  8. Rinos and liberals share an anatomical spine. As religious animists they believe guns kill and a flag kills but people do not ...and they believe money can be found guilty. Their sense of history and loyalty goes back to the last bribe or "campaign contribution" they received and who it came from. I'll vote for the Donald just to give them the "deer in the headlights" panic attack.

  9. "Yes and our system is corrupt to the core" and so is the NAACP:
