Tuesday, August 11, 2015

How will lifting the ban on gay scout leaders not attract pedophiles?

 Image result for gay scout leaders

A couple of weeks ago The Boy Scouts of America Executive Committee unanimously approved allowing gay adults to serve as leaders. The reason given, “the rapid changes in society and increasing legal challenges at the federal, state and local levels.” Gays have argued that the Boy Scouts of America “stood as a towering example of explicit, institutional homophobia.” The term homophobia implies unreasonable fear. But is it unreasonable to fear gay leaders who may have little boy inclinations? A bigger question;

has societal acceptance of predatory sexual behavior on vulnerable little boys by adult male pedophiles amplified in recent years?


  1. How will lifting the ban on gay scout leaders not attract pedophiles?

    Assumes that all the pedophiles who want to be scout leaders are not already scout leaders. Pedophilia is not the sort of thing the average homosexual guy just decides to get into because he can. So I doubt the supply will increase due to this policy shift. Or do you really think homosexuals who were also pedophilic, were obeying the rules before? Because pedophiles are known for their honesty and scrupulous obedience to corporate policy.

    1. Because pedophiles are known for their honesty and scrupulous obedience to corporate policy.

      Ha! :)
