Monday, August 31, 2015

Secession For The North!

Two weeks ago, authorities combing through disgraced former IRS executive Lois Lerner’s e-mails released a message she sent to a subordinate who had complained about a Texas Tea Party group. “Look my view is that Lincoln was our worst president not our best,” she said.  “He should [have] let the south go. We really do seem to have [two] different mind sets.”  She also insisted in 2012 that, “We [the U.S.] really need to split in two — we are so polarized that we can’t do anything constructive.”

Lerner hails from Massachusetts, and her comments about Lincoln and secession sparked some debate in the press about her political views.


  1. Very interesting! I wonder what states would join the South. If it were only that simple. When you look at these maps, you see that it isn't a matter of which state or area. All the Marxist-held cities along with all the racial and ethnic nuances you can muster - there would have to be some 'forced marches' methinks to achieve Lois' utopia.

    1. We're probably going to have to join like communities.

    2. I agree, where I live in NY is well north of the city and very conservative/traditionalist and yes there are rebel flags everywhere. We hunt, fish, brew and do most stuff ourselves and most of us have no use for Cuomo, Albany, DC, or the city. I think the marxist cities should be walled off and made into their own countries.

    3. Yes, I went to a deb party in Cooperstown (Susan Clark) when I was young and it is as you say. Thanks.

  2. Brock I thought you didn't like troll pictures on your site....... Just please don't post any Killary pics please, I couldn't take it.

    1. :) I'll search for the worst one possible..........:)
