Wednesday, August 19, 2015

W&L, Denies SCV Use of LEE Chapel

In what should come as no surprise to any of us who have been closely following the shenanigans at W&L, Ken Ruscio, Washington & Lee University President, has decided to use his final year in office to continue the purge of all things Confederate at the University by denying the Stonewall Brigade, Sons of Confederate Veterans the use of the LEE Chapel for a Memorial Service to Robert E. Lee, on Lee-Jackson Day in Lexington in January, 2016.  The Stonewall Brigade had rented the Chapel for the service for the past 15 years.
This decision means that Ruscio and other officials at Washington & Lee University have now effectively caved to EACH AND EVERY  one of the demands presented last spring by  "The Committee", a group of 6 Law School Student agitators.  

The University that owes its very existence to Robert E. Lee, will not allow a memorial service to be held in his memory in the LEE Chapel on Lee-Jackson Day.

Initially, officials blamed the "political" activities of the SCV for this decision.  Once the absurdity of this claim was realized, they changed course and announced that it was due to the "uncivil" actions of SCV members, including disparaging and mean remarks on social media.  The closing of the Chapel for remodeling last January was a convenient excuse.  This one is obscene.  To refuse to allow the SCV to hold a service because of the fallout that has occurred and justified criticism received in the wake of their actions is despicable.  To suggest that the university would have allowed the SCV to use the chapel if members would have simply sit quietly by while the administration launched its assaults its absurd. 
Let's call this decision exactly what it is...another lame attempt to appease the demands of SIX agitators and their friends, who will not be satisfied until every trace of Robert E. Lee is gone from the University, and the school's history is completely rewritten to accommodate their agenda. 

You may recall that this is not the first time University officials have had to change their "official statement" in these matters.  Last July, officials first denied that a 15 year old SCV member was made to remove his shirt and turn it in side out, remove his cap and name badge before being allowed to enter school property...all because of the SCV logo on the attire.  Once confronted with the accounts of several eye witnesses, the University changed course and confirmed the account.
We are learning of numerous accounts of alumni withdrawing financial support and pressuring W&L officials to reverse these decisions, and understand that the discontent among W&L supporters continues to grow.  

The Stonewall Brigade has announced that the annual Lee-Jackson events will be held in Lexington in 2016, despite the change in venue for the RE Lee memorial service.  We will be there, and hope that this latest assault, and the continued anti-Confederate atmosphere in Lexington will lead others to take up their flags and join us in the streets.  Make plans to be in Lexington in January 15th-16th, and make your stand!


Grayson Jennings
Va Flaggers

Thursday, August 20th:  Flagging the VMFA, 200 N. Boulevard, 4:00 p.m. - DUSK

Saturday, August 22nd:  Flagging the VMFA, 200 N. Boulevard, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Saturday, August 22nd: The Va Flaggers will have a booth at the King William Fest, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., Colonial King William County Courthouse

Thursday, September 10th:  Susan is scheduled to speak at the September meeting of the Ivy Ritchie Camp #1744, SCV, Albermarle NC.  6:30 p.m.  Jay's Seafood Restaurant, 40439 Stony Gap Rd, Albermarle, NC 28001

Sunday, September 27th:  SAVE THE DATE!  Va Flaggers FOURTH Anniversary Celebration Picnic/Auction, Mechanicsville Moose Lodge 3:00 p.m.  More details to follow.

Tuesday, November 3rd:  Susan will be speaking at the November meeting of the Campbell Guards, SCV Camp #2117, 7:00 p.m., Historic Courthouse, Rustburg.

Monday, November 16th:  Susan has accepted an invitation to speak at the November meeting of the Black River Tigers Camp #2152, Angier, NC.  6:30 p.m., Simonz Restaurant.

Saturday, December 12th:  Susan will be speaking at the Christmas Dinner of the John Ingraham Camp #1977, Chickamauga, GA. More details to follow. 

Saturday, January 9th:  Susan will be speaking at the Lee-Jackson Banquet of the Camp Moses Wood #125, SCV, Gafney, South Carolina, 6:00 p.m.,  Cherokee Historic and Preservation Society Museum , 301 College Drive.  

Follow us on Twitter:  @thevaflaggers

To assist with our Interstate Battle Flags and ongoing Heritage Defense projects, please make checks payable to “The Virginia Flaggers” and mail to:

P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150 

Or contribute through PayPal, here:


  1. unreal Brock! I keep meaning to research exactly how much money State of Virginia spent on the 150year celebration of the CW and also I still hear commercials on local radio from the Virginia Tourism encouraging people to visit the historical sites
