Monday, September 14, 2015

Green Berets have growing doubts of duties with skittish political leadership

Via Skynet


They were the first troops to hit the ground in Afghanistan while al Qaeda's dirty work still smoldered back in the United States.

On foot, helicopter and horseback, Army Special Forces showed that if the U.S. was to win a long counterinsurgency war against Islamic extremists, the special skills of Green Berets would be fundamental.

Nearly 14 years later, these soldiers, some of the military's smartest and best trained, are still creating lots of headlines, but not necessarily for heroics.

In recent months, the Army has disciplined, admonished and ended the careers of a number of Green Berets for actions that the soldiers themselves believe were part of combating an evil enemy. Pristine standards for fighting the Taliban and al Qaeda are not achievable, some in the community say.

"There is certainly a belief that upper echelons of leadership have morphed into political positions, and leaders are a lot less willing to risk their own career to support their soldiers," Danny Quinn, a former Green Beret team leader and West Point graduate, told The Washington Times.

Examples abound:

1 comment:

  1. On foot, helicopter and horseback, Army Special Forces showed that if the U.S. was to win a long counterinsurgency war against Islamic extremists, the special skills of Green Berets would be fundamental.

    Invading a foreign country with your own ground troops to topple the current government is NOT a counterinsurgency, long term or otherwise. Toppling the Taliban from power in Afghanistan was NOT a long term operation. These terms actually have definitions.
