Saturday, September 5, 2015

Ken Burns’ “Civil War”–Impressively Shallow

Via Billy

Twenty five years ago this year Ken Burns launched his supposedly epic series entitled “The Civil War.” One thing you have to understand about Mr. Burns going in, he is a modern day radical abolitionist. That is his mindset. Oh, he feigns objectivity but a quick look at his work will show you that he is anything but objective.

His original “Civil War” series lasted several nights on prime time television and to be sure I got it all I sat through the entire thing. Supposedly it took Mr. Burns five years of research and a ton of Rockefeller money, all to discover that, guess what, the war was really all about slavery! What a surprise! Knowing at least part of his funding sources could anyone who has followed any of this think his conclusions would be any different.


  1. Why oh why doesn't some true son of the south produce an accurate documentary
    reflecting the southern view of the cause(s) of the civil war! CH

    1. There are many. Here is a freebie of 13,000 words.

  2. He's always been a biased little faggot. Add liar and charlatan to the list and you've about got him pegged.
