Monday, September 28, 2015

Video=> Putin Lectures Obama on Arab Spring: “Do You Realize What You Have Done?”

Via Billy

Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the UN General Assembly today in New York City.

Putin lectured Barack Obama on the Arab Spring disaster, something Obama supported.
“Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster — and nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life. I cannot help asking those who have forced that situation: Do you realize what you have done?”


  1. The messenger brings the Truth - shall we damn the messenger any how?

    1. The world has turned on it's head as we think more of the P of Russia than ours. :)

  2. Obama has turned the Middle East into an even bigger hornets nest and yes he realizes what he's done.

  3. I can tell you what we have done: We (aka TPTB and the State Dept) in our hubris and conceit, that we know what is best for every one else and they need to be just like us, have taken a bad situation and made it even worse. When the plan fails with the unintended consequences arising we will deluded ourselves, that we can talk our way out it. We will once again, engage in the fantasy that we can fix it with another program and spend again more money. The reality is that these elites, don't have the slightest clue.

    1. All they wish is power and they could care less what they need to do in order to retain it going as far as wholesale murder.

  4. The planet desperately needs a leader/hero. All I have seen and read about are
    cockroaches, leeches, and Grim Reapers. Someone to admire and believe in.
    Hopefully this is Putin. It sure ain't the turd the USA has been cursed listening to
    and watching him make a mockery of everything and anything moral and American.
    The turd sure hasn't ruffled any feathers like JFK did.
