Sunday, October 11, 2015

Lew Rockwell Calls for Grassroots Campaign to Draft Ron Paul for House Speaker

Via Cousin John

Dr. Ron Paul


Ludwig von Mises Institute founder Lew Rockwell published a blog post on Saturday calling for a grassroots campaign to pressure the U.S. House of Representatives to elect former Congressman and libertarian icon Ron Paul to the position of House speaker.

According to Rockwell, Ron Paul Peace and Prosperity Institute executive director Daniel McAdams, who also served as Dr. Paul’s foreign affairs adviser during his time in Congress, says the U.S. House of Representatives is not required to elect one of its current members to serve as speaker. Consequently, Dr. Paul, who retired from Congress in January of 2013, could in theory be eligible to be elected to lead the House.


  1. I'm four square behind his idea of eviscerating the fed, but his foreign policy ideas are friggen scary. "Leave them alone and they'll ignore us." Ummm, no, not in this day and age. And letting anyone and everyone into this country? Forget it! Immigration to this country should follow the same lines for those of a country club! White European conservative Christians at the front of the line and screw everyone else.

  2. They want to run a man who could never get 4 other members to side with him to suddenly find 218 members to side with him? Not very realistic.
