Monday, November 23, 2015

The Paris Attacks 

Muslim terrorists took the lives of over 120 people. Here are my observations:

I am aghast and flummoxed at the number of Americans who just cannot seem to comprehend the culpability that the U.S. government has in all of this. This only makes sense when one takes into account that the vast majority of Americans only know what the mainstream media tells them. And, without question, our mainstream media is nothing more than a propaganda ministry for Washington, D.C. Without a doubt, the controlled major media in America rivals the controlled major media of Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Soviet Union.

Make no mistake about it: the wars in the Middle East are Washington’s wars.

                                                                More @ Chuck Baldwin


  1. Far too many people believe they get news from the government controlled house organs parading as honest press. It was Marxist Obama that made it legal for the American government to produce and promote propaganda which the media happily distributes as honest journalism.


    1. They must have been commies all along.

    2. "I am aghast and flummoxed at the number of Americans who just cannot seem to comprehend the culpability that the U.S. government has in all of this."

      Being willingly blind is all fun and games, until you step off unto the hole where they just moved the outhouse from.

      Central Alabamaian

    3. until you step off unto the hole where they just moved the outhouse from.

      That would do it! :)
