Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Via Ray

There is a dangerous silence which currently exists among polite and public company in America today regarding the issue of race, a silence which is more dangerous than any perceived outrage by any of the parties which have a stake in the outcome.

As a white Christian Southerner -- and a white Christian American -- I know very few people who look like me who think less of black Americans simply because of the colour of their skin. I'm sure there are those who do; I just do not keep company with them. Likewise, I have many black Christian friends who treat me just as they do members of their own race. However, there is an intentional war being fomented between the two races by the enemies of our liberty.

Black Americans are having a war waged against them, but it is not by those that many of them perceive it to be. Their families are decimated by fatherless homes, violence, and the highest records of incarceration of any people on the planet. Yet these attacks upon black Americans are not brought upon them by their white Christian neighbors as they are made to believe. These problems in the black community stem from drug abuse, wanton immorality, and a lack of self-discipline that is rampant among many of their own race. Black Americans inherently know that someone is behind these attacks upon their race... and they are right; but it is not white suburban Americans. There is an enemy which has systematically made drugs available to inner cities, has encouraged the flood of legal and illegal aliens to our country to take whatever entry level jobs would have been the step up that black youth needed to advance economically, and has so thoroughly deluged their youth with the blatant immorality which is pervasive in black culture today including profanity, violence toward women, and racial blame every single time that something doesn't go their way, whether in the classroom, the job, or the courthouse. Black Americans are right to feel that their families are under attack, but it is not from their white, predominantly Christian suburban neighbors as they may believe.

Likewise, there is an open cultural war being raged against white Americans, though it is not being initiated by those who are the apparent suspects. Today, under the guise of "political correctness," the majority race in America is daily made to feel loathsome for all of the evils that have befallen every other race. Our children are told that they can no longer be proud of our heroes and our heritage, so they are left to wander the streets and endless radio stations and movies which exalt the subcultures of every other ethnic race and, at the same time, denigrate their own, leading them to abdicate their own proud heritage in search of some other people's because they are ashamed of their own. Under the name of "political correctness," the accomplishments of white Americans who founded America and built the greatest constitutional republic in human history are denigrated, denied, and systematically erased from the history books and replaced with those of lesser accomplishment as long as they are not of the evil "white" race which must not be glorified for any reason. Our heroes who won our independence in the American War for Independence, fought against the evils of federal tyranny during the Southern War for Independence, and saved the world temporarily from the evils of national socialists during World War II are called racists, hatemongerers, and terrorists. When once our children acted out their heroic deeds at school recess and on Saturday mornings, now scarcely does this generation of children know their names, let alone think of emulating their character. This attack, too, upon white Americans is also being intentionally fomented, though not necessarily by those who are the cannon fodder in the battle of this cultural war.

The instigator of the race agitations in America is the same enemy which has been at work on our continent for 150 years... Marxism. In every part of the globe where Marxism has ascended to power, it has been at least partially due to the pitting of the population against one another through artificially-created racial strife. Whether the communism of Lenin, Stalin, and Kruschev or the national socialism of Hitler, Mussolini, and all of the most recent presidential administrations in these united States, the goal has been the same... to create racial strife which leads to lawlessness and chaos so that the "solution" becomes a police state with more control and less liberty for the purpose of restoring "peace." Such is the manner that tyrants rise to power as history so clearly demonstrates with Napoleon, Hitler, Lenin, Pol Pot, Mao, and a host of others. Indeed, there is a faction in America which is intentionally encouraging all of the atrocities committed against both white and black Americans for the purpose of fostering a coming race war so that they can bring about a Marxist revolution in America. Although the national socialism of Hitler is regularly cast as the polar opposite of Lenin's communism by the false paradigm of our enemies, in reality, they are one and the same in their espousal of Marxism; only their classes of rulers separate them.

Never in the history of America has this blatant pushing for a race war on the part of the Marxists been more evident, even during the volatile civil rights movment of the 1960's, than it is today. Black Americans are being told that it is not enough to receive equal treatment under the law; but it is their right to demand equal outcome as well, whether earned or not. This has led to the enslavement of a great part of the black population in America to dependency upon their new master, the federal government, to whom they swear their allegiance every time that they accept financial entitlement through welfare, housing, or government jobs in great disproportion to their percentage of the population. In fact, the black youth today are being told that they should not even settle for equal outcome; nothing less than better treatment under the law should be their demand. Rarely has such an attitude been more apparent than the recent forcing of white Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders to answer the question, "Which is it? 'Lives matter... or black lives matter'?" In an effort to appease the unruly blacks who were interrupting his political meetings, Sanders caved to their demands and answered during a national debate on live television that we should say "Black lives matter" instead of "Lives matter." What utter disgrace that any presidential candidate should even consider, let alone actually agree, to humiliate themselves and denigrate their own race by saying that another race's welfare should receive more attention than any other instead of having the integrity and character to say that the issues are truth and justice, not race. The only reason that Sanders' Democratic opponent, Hilary Clinton, was not forced to make the same public concession was because she began her race pandering years ago in order to avoid such incidents while seeking black support which is such an important part of the modern Democratic Party's constituency.

Meanwhile, white America continues to sit quietly upon the never-ending stool of repentance, accepting the blame for every social ill and accepting every attack waged upon its history and heritage and heroes. Understanding that speaking out against the foolishness of the present movement to eradicate history would certainly lead to epithets of "racist," none of white America's leaders speaks up for the majority population which founded the American republic. The present movement to eliminate all monuments to the Confederacy throughout the South, to denigrate the Confederate battle flag which has always stood as a symbol against tyranny, and to eliminate street names and holidays which honour Confederate heroes such as Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson -- Christian men of character and giants among our people -- are intended to either goad white Americans into the race war that the Marxists want in order to bring about their police state or either systematically destroy our sense of who we are as a people so that our children and future generations will put up less resistance as they are integrated more fully into the New World Order of the national socialists and international communism. While few may realize it, the destruction of a people's statues and monuments is nothing less than an act of war; for a people with no sense of being cannot possibly have the will to stand against its enemies, foreign or domestic. Those who desecrate the statues and monuments of our heroes should receive the same punishment as though the committed their acts against a living person; and any officials who participate in their destruction or removal should be executed for treason. A people who will sit by and allow the destruction of hundreds of years of their monuments and statues of their heroes only send the signal that they are, indeed, a defeated people already and open to being conquered by whosoever will conquer.

For those Americans, black and white, who do not yet realize where everything is heading, here is a brief outline of the battle plan of the enemies of our liberty... when all Confederate monuments to the "evil" defenders of slavery and States' Rights have been torn down, next will be the demand to destroy or rename the monuments to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Patrick Henry -- those "evil" defenders of slavery and States' Rights. Those who finance Hollywood and many of today's music labels will continue to encourage the destruction of morality and civilization until they are successful at achieving the race war that they seek.

The solution... black Americans must find the solutions to the ills of their own race in a return to Bible and godly living. In order for that to happen, they must reach their own youth with the gospel and share the message of Christ to live holy lives. White Americans must rise out of their complacency and fear of being called "racist" and dare to take a stand for their history and heritage and to stand upon the principles of our forefathers that made America great at its founding. In order for that to happen, they must return to the Christian foundations of the American republic, be men and women of character, and have the courage and backbone to stand for the principles which once made America great, and defy those who would destroy our monuments, our heritage, and our culture. Black America needs to rid itself of the race-baiting leaders who are leading their people to sure destruction; and white America needs to rid itself of the limp-wristed, emasculated leaders who have betrayed their own people for wealth and fame.

Ray McBerry has been one of America's foremost speakers on the Tenth Amendment and States' Rights for more than 20 years. He is a father, businessman, former Republican candidate for governor of Georgia, television host, and a Christian. He has appeared on Fox News, HLN, CNN, MSNBC, and other stations in defense of State's Rights and the Constitution.  Interview and speaking engagement requests should be sent to 


  1. This gentlemen is the real deal. Nice to see to see it said as they say

    Look familiar. The muslim situation is to take-over. Always was the plan. The White race is being diluted for extinction. Obama shipping black invaders in this country to dilute White America. Like we didn't have enough but the take- down is too slow. Reminds me of a bunch of tar
    babies. It's in the genes baby; it's in the genes.
    The nice civilized types are not allowed.

    1. Looks like it, but saw this on You Tube.

      taxi drivers against Über, not islamic refugees
