Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Who Is Ted Cruz?

Via Frank

Image result for trump cruz

ENOUGH, for one week at least, about the strange victories of Donald Trump. Let’s talk about the mysteries of his last real competitor, Ted Cruz.

On the surface, Cruz is a straightforward figure: The ideological zealot, the politician-as-activist, the unbending embodiment of True Conservatism. He’s the scourge of Obamacare, the bane of the G.O.P. establishment, the evangelical moralist with a flat-tax plan and a Reagan quote for every occasion. If Trump has dynamited Republican orthodoxy and tapped out nasty tweets from the rubble, Cruz has kept pace by promising to rebuild that same orthodoxy stronger than before.

More @ NYT


  1. Lets talk about how Cruz is in the Bush camp. How he has hired Niel Bush for his finance manager....you know, the Bush that bilked people out of millions of dollars. Tell us about his wife, Heidi, who help write the TPP and wants a North American Union, like the European Union where countries lose control over their laws and jobs. Cruz and his wife are PRO Agenda 21. You can Google all this stuff. Cruz is a phony Trojan horse. Like electing another Bush.

  2. And this is an example of "critical thinking" by the NYT? I see both of these guys as having far more in common with each other than they have with the rest of the rino field. Neither is a political groupie and that is what irritates the hell out of the beltway crowd including the NYT.

    1. I see both of these guys as having far more in common with each other than they have with the rest of the rino field.

      Agreed and the PTB don't want either
