Monday, April 4, 2016

Mexico tortures migrants – and citizens – in effort to slow Central American surge

Via Billy

Juárez sisters Mexico

Amy and Esther Juárez were edgy with excitement as they boarded the bus full of seasonal workers heading for a farm at the other end of Mexico from their home in the poverty-stricken southern state of Chiapas.

Although their brother Alberto,18, had made the same journey the previous year, it was the first time Amy, 24, and Esther, 15, had left the tiny indigenous community where they had grown up.

But about half-way there, immigration agents boarded the bus, and after checking all the passengers’ papers, ordered the three siblings to get off.

The officials accused them of carrying false documents and lying about their nationality. Then they told the youngsters that they would be deported to Guatemala, a country none would have been able to place on a map.


  1. The Mexican government, military, and cartels all hate Chiapas citizens because they are among the few citizens in Mexico that resist the thuggery of outsiders. The outsiders would never want any part of Chiapas but for the forest products and future right of way for an international trade route going south. (an extension of I35 to the Pacific coast and then by ship to China and Asian countries) A friend from Colorado used to make trips in the summer to deliver medical supplies and medical books as the Mexican government ignored spending any time or effort to their welfare. It has since become too dangerous to continue those efforts. I suspect the Mexican government is harassing them as they likely won't cough up any of their earnings to the various extortion rackets the thugs run. God help them because no one else gives a damn.

    1. That's too bad because I sense they are decent people.

  2. The money phrase here is "indigenous community". There is a very strong racial element to this story here. The more "Hispanic" Mexicans (those whose ancestors came from Spain) do look down upon as second class citizens those who still resemble their ancestor, Mayans or Aztecs.

    A while back I was involved in a couple of Medical Readiness exercises with the Army, in Guatemala. I was a sites so remote that the natives, looked more "native Indian" than European, and still spoke their native language rather than Mexican Spanish. Yes there are people in Central and South America who don't speak or read Spanish. So racism is very much alive and (sad to say) well in Mexico. I also strongly suspect that Mexicans do hate and resent us "gingos" here in El Norte. The hypocrisy is epic here. TPTB, in Mexico wants to insure that migrants and non-Mexicans are kept out of their country and those allowed in are limited. Yet at the same time they want the FUSA to be an extension of Mexico, giving their illegals here a dual citizen status here. We are supposed to respect their laws to the letter, while they ignore and mock our laws. La Raza (the Race) comes to mind

    Here is a little history lesson that seldom gets mentioned; The first socialist revolution of the 20th Century was not in Russia but in Mexico. Also this revolution, just like the Russian and French revolutions has a very strong anti-church element to it. The Christian church was persecuted by the revolutionaries in each case. Being a devote Believer did get you killed.

    1. We are supposed to respect their laws to the letter, while they ignore and mock our laws.

      Hypocrisy rides supreme.


      The Christian church was persecuted by the revolutionaries in each case. Being a devote Believer did get you killed.

      Yes and thanks.

  3. Sounds about right. Mexico and other Latin American countries don't give a flip for taking responsibility for their citizens welfare. They would rather push them out rather than deal with no job prospects. Drug cartels are making lots of money playing 'coyote', organizing illegal alien trains into the U.S.

    Mexico and others should pay for the border wall. They don't even pretend to care to stop illegal immigration into this country, a big part of why human trafficing isn't being stopped.

    U.S. can stop it in their tracks. Instead of interdiction, just make strict laws making it illegal to employ illegal aliens, paying huge fines if convicted.

    1. laws making it illegal to employ illegal aliens, paying huge fines if convicted.

      That should do it, if enforced.
