Sunday, June 26, 2016

George Will leaves the GOP over Trump

Via John "Trump is like a political surgeon removing the cancer of RINOsis from the body of the GOP. Now, Will can go hang out with Kristol, Romney, Bush, Paul 'Ryno,' and the rest of the RINO herd. This nation deserves at least one party that reflects the 'will' of some of its citizens and not two parties which reflect the will of none but corporatist globalists seeking to assemble a brave new world which they can dominate in perpetuity. Is Trump a political messiah?  No, of course not. He is a tool. He is a sort of political can opener; one who can pry the lid off (at least) one of the two corrupt parties that control this nation to the overbearing detriment of the people.

Adios, George.....leave the GOP, join the Hillary campaign."


Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Conservative columnist George Will said Friday that he's leaving the GOP over Donald Trump's rise to becoming the party's standard bearer.

Will suggested that a Democratic victory in the presidential election in November would be preferable to Trump winning the White House.

"Make sure he loses," Will told PJ Media, a conservative blog. "Grit their teeth for four years and win the White House."

More @ AOL


  1. George - get this straight. The Republican Party left the Republican voter a long time ago, pursuing their own interests. Trump walking away with the Republican voters is the result. Just the way it is.
