Tuesday, July 19, 2016

An Interesting Change In Tone.

Via comment by Quartermain on The white élites who fund Black Lives Matter


 Im sure that I'm not the only one who noticed but there was what I thought was an interesting change in Obama's rhetorical approach in the wake of Sunday's assassinations in Baton Rouge.

Previously, every time there has been some horrible act of violence, be it perpetrated by Islamists extremists or by some black extremists, Obama's statements have always contained some passing phrase sympathy for families of the victims, followed immediately by open caveats about alleged systemic police racism and an attack on the 2nd Amendment.

Today we heated none of that. What we got was a call for national unity and a statement about these attacks on police officers being an attack on us all and on the very structure of society.

So then, is our feckless fool of a President finally starting to realize at last that he has overplayed the Alinsky card and the blowback is getting beyond either his or a compliant media's control? Well no shit Sherlock.


  1. Hi Brock,
    'THAT last paragraph. above with that last sentence."Well no shit Sherlock." Gets one to think that maybe, just maybe, the boychild is starting to realize that he really, really has opened up "Pandora's Box" and there is no closing it!!!! Perhaps that scene in "Raders of the lost Arc" where the Angels of Death come out and devour the Damned!! ......perhaps he is remembering seeing pictures from the past of Mussollini, his "Girlfriend' and a couple of other friends in "Death" hanging from their heels at that Esso Station in Rome or maybe more recent history, the photos of Nicolae and his wife Elena Ceausescu at their trial and Firing Squad dealt not 15 minutes later their sentence!!!!! Honey!!, If you think that,"IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE!!!!???" You are whistling "DIXIE!!!!!" past the grave yard of HISTORY!!!!
    Yes, the "Raiders of the Lost Arc" is "FICTION!!" The other two "scenes" are "REAL!!!!"
    Picture if you will, you are handed a rifle and are told that you are part of the "Firing Squad" to complete a Historic Event!!! 'Knowing that the people on the other side of your rifle are those who you have very little use for after all that they did to destroy the Land of your Forefathers!! You know that there is the remote chance, since of all those in the firing squad, tradition has it that one of you have a "Blank Cartridge" to preserve some old moral imperative!! You "Curse" hoping that that the round the Sergeant puts in your rifle is "Live and tipped in PIG FAT!!" ....READY........AIM.......FIRE!!!!!!... "Take No Prisoners!!!!"...Doodeeedooodeeedaaahhhhaah!!!! Welcome to the "Twilight Zone!!!!"
    Midnight Whiskey Ramblings,
    As old Frank would say in his throaty baritone voice,"R-E-A-L-L-Y-!!"
    "Well, No Shit Sherlock!!!!,"
    skybill, Locking and Loading
    PS I like That,"No sit Sherlock!!" as a closing line!!!! Most Cool!!
    PPS I believe I told you the story some time ago in these pages of me being a young pup some 2 1/2 or so years old and my aunt and grandmother took me to the Columbia Theater This is around 1947!! to "Babysit" me and give my mom a break because my little sister was "on the way!!!" and before the main feature and " Bugs Bunny Cartoon" was the old grainy Black and white,"Movie Tone Newsreel!!!!!" Some of these were a few years old and some were from the "WAR!!!" from just a few years prior!! I remember seeing that day on film ol' Benito, his Girlfriend (as I recall the people at least tied her skirt around her knees so her private parts wouldn't be shown!! How nice of them??") and a couple of his buddies were,"STRUNG UP BY THEIR HEELS IN D-E-A-T-H-!!!!!!" at that Esso Station in Beautiful up town Rome or where ever it was.....I doubt the Pope came out of St. Peters and Blessed the scene>>>>> The POPE??? That's another story!! I'll ask "Rod" if he has any thoughts on that subject....
    Meanwhile, Back at the ranch
    "It's Getting Interesting!!!!!" Ya' shoulda' been at the "Bass Pro" in Den. Spgs. the afternoon after the shooting at 0900 hrs. last Sunday morning where the 3 policemen were Murdered by...."you saw the news!!!...you know!!" The "Gun Desk is 300feet long....there were people 3 deep checking out and buying "GUNS!!!!!" Go FIGURE!!!!!
    I KNOW, I SAW!!!
    'yer Man In Manchac!!!

    1. If you think that,"IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE!!!!???" You are whistling "DIXIE!!!!!" past the grave yard of HISTORY!!!!

      I'd be grinning from ear to ear. :)


      You "Curse" hoping that that the round the Sergeant puts in your rifle is "Live and tipped in PIG FAT!!" ....READY........AIM.......FIRE!!!!!!.

      Love it! :)


      before the main feature and " Bugs Bunny Cartoon" was the old grainy Black and white,"Movie Tone Newsreel!"

      I sure miss those newsreels.


      The "Gun Desk is 300feet long....there were people 3 deep checking out and buying "GUNS!

      Good deal! :) Thanks

  2. I have no sympathy towards him and think he has destroyed America.
