Sunday, July 31, 2016

Muslim Dad Khizr Khan Tells CNN Terror ‘Has Nothing to Do with Islam’

Via Billy

Of course not, whatever would make you think it did...........:)

Khizr Khan, the bereaved father of fallen soldier Capt. Humayun Khan who attacked Donald Trump last week in a speech at the Democratic National Convention, told CNN’s Jim Acosta Sunday morning that terror has “nothing to do with Islam.”

Here is Khan’s full quote (emphasis added):

More @ Breitbart


  1. The Pope just said the same thing, Hmmmmm great minds think alike? No, corruption thinks alike.

  2. Would he be willing to bet, let's say, $100 that the next terrorist incident will be a non Muslim? Of course not. No sane person will just throw out $100.

  3. He has been working for the Muslim Brotherhood as some digging has revealed

    1. Yes, but all I have been able to find as an original source is Shoebat and I would rather have that confirmed not just re-posted before I do. Thanks.
