Friday, July 8, 2016

The Person Who Organized The BLM Event In Dallas Was An Islamic Agent

Via Billy


The organizer of the Dallas Black Lives Matter rally, in which four cops were murdered and numerous others injured by trained snipers, is a sodomite pro-Muslim agent. His name is Jeff Hood. In 2015, after American Christians protested an Islamic event in Dallas, this reprobate, Jeff Hood, said:
“I think that Texas Muslims are the real Christians.”
Jeff Hood says that he is a Baptist minister, but I believe that this is a disguise that he is using to cover his Islamic sentiments. In one statement, Hood described a conversation with a Muslim “about Islam," and of how “The beauty of the way they talked from an Islamic perspective about Jesus and the need to love all people moved me deeply.  Their faith pushed me to believe again.” The “Islamic perspective about Jesus”? This is the antichrist anti-Trinitarian Jesus, and he is embracing this false christ? Hood also promotes an Islamic Jesus and even states that Jesus converted to Islam. In his website, he posts a picture of Jesus dressed as a Muslim:


  1. Rev (sic) Jeffrey Hood is a loony tune. He's off the deep end. I'm not sure the Islamists want him.
