Monday, August 22, 2016

Sefton Delmer

Via Nancy


  1. Control is the essence of an authoritarian movement or dictatorship& Ridicule is a powerful weapon. It can be a strategic weapon. Some of the reasons that ridicule is so powerful because: 1. It sticks. 2. The target can t refute it. 3. It is almost impossible to repress, even if driven underground. 4. It spreads on its own and multiplies naturally. 5. It boosts morale at home. 6. Ridicule divides the enemy, damages its morale, and makes it less attractive to supporters and prospective recruits. 7. To the enemy, ridicule can be worse than death.
    Hence, the attack on Christianity, the attack on straight
    normal people, attack on Nationalism, the Confederate flag,
    Southerners, guns, education and universities, Whites and y
    so many other black propaganda attacks. They use to use
    LSD without permission by individuals to seduce and control
    and change the mind-set. Frankfurt School.

    1. They use to use LSD without permission by individuals to seduce and control and change the mind-set.

      I remember that.
