Thursday, September 22, 2016

Carpetbagger Levine is at it again on the Daily Beast

Via Billy

This week the Virginia Flaggers celebrate their five-year anniversary. You may never have heard of this organization, but if you have traveled Virginia’s highways over the past few years you certainly have seen their handiwork. During this time the Flaggers have raised large Confederate battle flags along I-95, I-81, and I-64. In July 2015 the group raised a 30-by-50 foot flag near Danville, Virginia along the I-29 bypass. These flag raisings have been carried out in response to the steps taken by local governments, along with public and private institutions, to remove or re-locate Confederate iconography.

The organization has enjoyed steady coverage by local media outlets over the last five years, but few reporters have looked closely at Flagger membership or the individuals and organizations with which it has found common cause. Some of these individuals are directly connected with White Nationalist groups such as the League of the South, which openly promote white supremacy. Such a close association blurs the lines between legitimate concerns for the preservation of history and heritage and the racial politics of the present.

More hogwash @ The Daily Beast


  1. He couldn't be more wrong, and he IS without a doubt spewing out the same vile,lying,despicable Yankee garbage that is thrown at Blacks, Southerners in general from New England.

    Same crap, Same source.

    1. He was 'teaching' at a girl's school in Virginia. At least he isn't down here anymore polluting the air.


      New England.

      The Yankee Problem In America, By Clyde Wilson

      "By Yankee I do not mean everybody from north of the Potomac and Ohio......I am using the term historically to designate that peculiar ethnic group descended from New Englanders, who can be easily recognized by their arrogance, hypocrisy, greed, lack of congeniality, and penchant for ordering other people around. Puritans long ago abandoned anything that might be good in their religion but have never given up the notion that they are the chosen saints whose mission is to make America, and the world, into the perfection of their own image."

  2. I hope it wasn't Sweet Briar, my sister went there back in the early 70's and graduated a History Major, and I can tell you they didn't teach that version of history PERIOD.

    1. No, as I remember it was high school and Sweet Briar has unfortunately closed. A travesty.

  3. Go back noath, carpetbagger! And take the others with you too!

  4. I was in two good yeshivas in NY and because of that period I gained a great deal of respect for New Yorkers. Still Southern heritage seems to me to be very important because of the principles they were fighting for limited Federal Government and States Rights.

    1. The upstate area like Cooperstown is good. Went to Susan Clark's deb party there and we flew the Confederate flag all the way. :)

  5. To all that replies, there are good places in the North, as there was during the so-called Civil War.

    1. For sure and Southern Illinois is actually as far South as Richmond and was a hotbed of Copperheads.

      "By Yankee I do not mean everybody from north of the Potomac and Ohio......I am using the term historically to designate that peculiar ethnic group descended from New Englanders, who can be easily recognized by their arrogance, hypocrisy, greed, lack of congeniality, and penchant for ordering other people around. Puritans long ago abandoned anything that might be good in their religion but have never given up the notion that they are the chosen saints whose mission is to make America, and the world, into the perfection of their own image."

    2. Well said!!! Mega-kudos to you, for being so succinct. Your reply is a keeper. Keep up the great articles. God bless you and yours. In Christ, Allen.
