Sunday, November 6, 2016

An open and last-minute appeal to American Jews

Via David @

Let me begin by stating that I am voting for Trump reluctantly.  I will be the first person to state that I do not like the fact that he comes across as thin-skinned, often speaks withoutthinking things through, is - by all accounts - not the most socially smooth person.  There are any number of people whom I liked more during the primaries.

Having said that, I am voting for Trump for four primary reasons, which I hope you will consider.

First, Islamic immigration.  He wants to stem it; Hillary wants to step on the gas pedal.

Here's a collection of articles on what's happening in France thanks to their Muslims:

They've turned Sweden into the rape capital of Europe:

They've turned whole swaths of major cities into no-go zones for the country's own natives. The crime and diseases they have brought in are turning Europe into recreations of their own, Sharia-driven hellholes.  In France and other places, anti-Semitism as fueled by Arab Jew- hatred has turned Synagogues into fortified and 24/7 guarded encampments.  I could go on, but I won't.  I will, however, close this point with one video that if you can watch it, and not be terrified as to the future of America with Hillary's immigration policy, then IMHO: *** YOU HAVE NO SURVIVAL INSTINCT. ***
** Title: The Most Disturbing Video on the Islamic Invasion of Europe You'll Ever See
(13 minutes)
For ME, this is THE defining issue in the election.  Irrespective of anything else, this is THE issue for if America falls to Islam as Europe already is - there is no future for Jews ANYWHERE.  (Do you recall the woman in a burkha scoping out and taking pictures of New York City Jewish school?  Look up "Beslan Massacre".)


Second, Hillary has received megabucks from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other Jihad-funding countries.  These same countries also fund ISIS, as has been revealed by wikileaks.  These same countries EXECUTE gays and enslave women.

These people DO NOT give money like this because they're generous.  They're buying her.

In parallel, her advisor and confidante Huma Abedin is neck-deep in the Muslim Brotherhood.

This woman knows EVERYTHING about Hillary; just what leverage does she have to bend Hillary
to the Islamist will?

WHO YOU CHOOSE TO ASSOCIATE WITH defines you.  It's a saying in virtually every culture
that your friends tell others who you are.


Third, Hillary's email server, which was set up for ONE REASON only: to avoid FOIA requests.  And, given that it's emerging that President Obama KNEW she had a private server, it can be said
she did it to ensnare him as well... thus ensuring her security from prosecution.  This is Machiavellian planning on a level that should terrify ANYONE who loves freedom.

Rather than argue specifically, I refer you to this very short video:
** Title: Is Hillary Guilty

If you believe in the Rule of Law... if you believe that we are a nation of laws, not men, and that the law is the law and must apply to all... you CANNOT vote for Hillary.

This is not just about not liking Trump.  This is about setting a precedent - if Hillary gets in - that crimes, up to and including treason, mean nothing if you have enough connections and power and leverage.

That is a horrific precedent.  And while I concede that Trump is imperfect, in his heart I truly believe he does love America.  Hillary... loves power, money, and herself.


Fourth, and last, everyone KNOWS Hillary will lie.

She lied to the parents of the Benghazi victims about the cause of the attack.  When she was called on it, she lied about lying.  She lied about her emails.  She openly stated she will have two positions - private and public.

This is a woman for whom lying is as natural as breathing.

One last video:
** Title: The Clinton Lie Ratchet

Whom do you want in the WH?  Someone for whom every lie is covered by the media, whose
every action is praised... or someone whom the media, the House and Senate, and everyone else, will watch like a hawk.


  1. Why would Jews vote for Trump. They're the ones, for the
    most part, causing the destruction of America. Trump is
    "Make America Great Again." The Jews stance is -
    1965 The US Immigration Act of 1965 is approved by Congress. This > immigration act was developed by the Jewish politicians Senator Javitz, > Representative Lautenberg, and Representative Cellar. It was designed to > replace White Americans with foreigners and thereby destroy traditional > White America. AND......
    2000 American President Bill Clinton declares in the State of the Union > address that European Americans will be a minority group within 50 years. > This drastic change is due to mass immigration imposed by ZOG.
    We were warned by some of the best Americans.

    1. That's not true of all Jews... Clearly some are supporting Trump. He's actually a fairly Jewish candidate.

      And I recommend reading Dr. MacDonald, others. I just say, Trump has some significant Jewish support, which is obvious (his staff, those who've endorsed him, his friends, his daughter, his language).

      And it is not only Jews who are pushing demographic change. I agree with TS Eliot that secular Jews are a natural threat to a white Christian society, for differences of race and religion. But we must also accept some responsibility for the destruction of our society. 1965 this society was 89% white, mostly northwest European and Protestant too: A relatively homogeneous society. We need to learn from our mistakes.

    2. As the US becomes more nonwhite, anti-Semitism will grow, just as it has in Europe.

      Jews just need to snap out of their obsession with Nazis. If you read the Neocons, other Jewish critics, many are freaking out thinking Trump is a "Nazi". I'm not sure they entirely know why they want to destroy the US natives.

      Anyway, it won't even be legal to talk about such things for much longer.

      It's noteworthy that Catholics, other "out groups" also supported 1965 Act. So, it wasn't exclusively Jews. They've just been a major power, but they're not the sole power.

    3. we must also accept some responsibility for the destruction of our society. 1965 this society was 89% white, mostly northwest European and Protestant too:

      A crying shame.

  2. If you read the Neocons, other Jewish critics, many are freaking out thinking Trump is a "Nazi"

    They still equate Nazism with the right wing.

    1. Yes. And it's rather hilarious for someone to call you a Nazi.

      Partly they do that, because the Left seems to believe national socialism and international socialism are the only two games in town. Hitler's Germany was very productive. It worked very well (for a time), and that scares people. However, I would argue that Hitler's National Socialism wouldn't have been sustainable. He didn't name a successor, for example; and we don't know it could have endured without him. Also, Hitler enticed others to attack him. He didn't want war with Britain, yet he couldn't resist expanding Germany.

      I somewhat agree with the Left that our own societies aren't sustainable and are morphing into a bad form of socialism/managerial state, but the Left goes too far in assuming there is only National Socialism and International Socialism. I believe we could set up an alternative.

      In the Left's eyes though, we're reactionaries living in a dream. They don't even see us as existing except as possible proto-fascists, which of course we are not.

    2. our own societies aren't sustainable and are morphing into a bad form of socialism/managerial state,


  3. Watching Sheryl Attkisson Sunday, she reported on the
    donations for Killery and Trump. The only person who has
    donated to Trump was some guy named Mercer. I thought
    Adelson donated to Trump but guess not. Killery, now she
    is loaded:
    Who controls our country!

  4. As the person who wrote the original post, NOT ALL JEWS are Leftists. But, as Evan Sayet commented, the more you move from Orthodox to Reform, the more you move from politically Right to Left.

    I am a Conservative Jew; I am also VERY conservative politically. And I shake my head, as do my fellow Jews on our side of the aisle, at the dogged dedication so many of our co-religionists have towards the Democrats.

    1. the dogged dedication so many of our co-religionists have towards the Democrats.

      Mind boggling.
