Monday, December 12, 2016

Good Luck: Russian Interference Could Give Courts Legal Authority To Install Clinton

Via comment by Toejam on RUSSIA TO DESTROY MERKEL: Sounds good to me:)

In light of late-breaking reports Friday evening that Russians interfered with the 2016 presidential election to assist Donald Trump’s victory, Clinton supporters are furiously in pursuit of remedies.

At 10:45 p.m. Friday evening, the Washington Post broke an explosive story alleging that Russians had interfered with the 2016 presidential election in order to assist Donald Trump in a victory over democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. The story reveals that a CIA assessment detailing this conclusion had been presented to President Obama and top congressional leaders last week.


  1. If the communist Obama government wants civil war. This is how to get Civil War.---Ray

  2. The emails that were released were factual emails showing Hilary was selling favors. Who cares which hackers were able to get a hold of the emails and show them to the public?

  3. The emails that were released were factual emails showing Hilary was selling favors. Who cares which hackers were able to get a hold of the emails and show them to the public?
