Monday, January 2, 2017

The US Has Yet To Provide Evidence Russia Directed A Hacking Operation To Undermine Election

I'm sure we are surprised............

The United States government has yet to produce evidence tying the Russian government to a purported hacking operation meant to undermine the 2016 presidential election. This is despite reports from journalists stating the contrary.

Bloomberg reported Thursday, “Prodded to produce evidence by Russia, which has denied a role in hacking — and by an openly skeptical President-elect Donald Trump — the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security did so Thursday.” Other outlets such as PC Magazine and the International Business Times also interpreted the Joint Analysis Report (JAR) issued by the DHS and FBI as evidence tying Russia to a hacking operation.

The report, however, is devoid of evidence linking Russia to hackings of Democratic Party institutions and individuals.


  1. TOLD you he couldn't lift the damned thing.....has to push it across the board.

    Somewhere Behind Enemy Lines
    Peoples Republik of Kimmiefornia

  2. IF the RUSSIANS hacked the elections then "GOOD OLD BERNNIE" would have been the winner!

