Saturday, February 4, 2017

When Trump Fired Sally Yates, He Fired a Traitor

Via David

Direct Disobedience to an Order was a serious offense at military school, but Insubordination was expulsion, no ifs, ands or buts.

That sounds like strong language, but what else should we call government officials who rule by fiat, replacing the laws passed by the people's representatives and the Constitution with their own personal preferences?

Her own words say she refused to defend Donald Trump's executive order because she doesn't think it is "right," not because it is unconstitutional or illegal.

Isn't a government where individuals impose their will on the people tyrannical?  If so, then what Yates did is a soft-power revolution aimed at denying the people their right to decide how they are to be ruled.  Yates wants a tyranny where she and her ilk tell us deplorables how we are to live and what we are to believe.

Of course, Sally is following a long established liberal tradition of tyranny.


  1. Trump did right! He needs to do more of it.


    1. Everyone is dumbfounded because he's doing exactly what he said he would do and not reneging like other politicians. I love IT!:)
