Friday, June 30, 2017

Eric Holder Sends Ominous Late Night Tweet To "Career DOJ/FBI" Employees

Via Billy
To the career men & women at DOJ/FBI: your actions and integrity will be unfairly questioned. Be prepared, be strong. Duty. Honor. Country. (What the hell, he has no idea what they mean!)

Eric Holder, Obama's former Attorney General and a man who recently hinted at an interest in pursuing a 2020 bid for the White House, issued a rather ominous warning to the "career men & women" of the DOJ/FBI last night saying that their "actions and integrity will be unfairly questioned" before calling upon them to "be prepared, be strong."
"To the career men & women at DOJ/FBI: your actions and integrity will be unfairly questioned. Be prepared, be strong. Duty. Honor. Country."

Of course, with the many scandals that plagued Obama's Justice Department, it's impossible to know exactly which one sparked Holder's warning. 

Could it be the outrageous unmasking of Trump officials in the waning days of Obama's administration, an obvious attempt to exploit the collection of foreign intelligence and use it as a political weapon of mass destruction, and subsequent illegal leaking of that information to the media?  Certainly, this would seem to be a concern for Susan Rice who has been asked to testify before the House Intelligence Committee.

Or, is it a simple message directed at FBI Director McCabe who we recently pointed out is coming under increasing scrutiny for not recusing himself from the investigation of Michael Flynn, a man against whom he very clearly harbored a personal vendetta.

Or, perhaps its that whole James Comey revelation that Eric Holder's replacement, Loretta Lynch, colluded with the Hillary Clinton campaign and the FBI to quash the investigation of Hillary's email scandal.

Or, perhaps it's just a general warning after the FISA court recently revealed the the Obama administration conducted illegal queries targeting American citizens "with much greater frequency than had previously been disclosed to the Court" issue which it described as a "very serious Fourth Amendment issue."

More @ Zero Hedge


  1. Question: Does Mr. Holder have the slightest idea as what those words mean? Based on his track record I would say none what so ever. Had the DOJ/FBI done their jobs with integrity there would be no "unfair questioning". I put as much stock in what Holder, Comey or Lynch have say about integrity, honesty or ethical behavior as I do with CNN being honest in it's new reports. Which is none at all.
