Thursday, July 6, 2017

President Trump’s Remarkable Warsaw Speech

Via Billy


Nation-state populism, spirit, and the defense of civilization

President Trump delivered one of the most important speeches of his young presidency on Thursday. Billed as "Remarks to the people of Poland," the address was as clear a statement we've heard of Trump's nation-state populism. This philosophy, which differs in emphasis and approach from that of other post-Cold War Republican presidents, is both enduring and undefined. Reaching as far back as Andrew Jackson, and carrying through, in different ways, William Jennings Bryan, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Spiro Agnew, Ronald Reagan, Ross Perot, Patrick Buchanan, James Webb, and Sarah Palin, the nation-state populist tradition has suffered from its lack of intellectuals, professors, and wordsmiths. But that is beginning to change.


  1. I disagree that we're lacking in intellectuals. The Paleos, the classics, Southern Agrarians, Third Position, Distributists, and (opposite from the Distributists) at least one fascist (AK Chesterton) offer various arguments that help form a complete picture.

    GK Chesterton's Napoleon on Notting Hill, his Patriotic Idea essay, and his thoughts in "The new Jerusalem" are all very good.

    They just need a promoter to get their various ideas out. There isn't one perfect society that fits all situations and goals.

    1. There isn't one perfect society that fits all situations and goals.

      & never will.

  2. National populism has support from Hegel and Howard Bloom concerning the super-organism.

    1. Interesting.

      An article by Bloom published in Omni magazine, "The importance of hugging", suggested that "Islamic cultures treat their children harshly, they despise open displays of affection ... the result is violent adults", and as a consequence, "An entire people may have turned barbaric for the simple lack of a hug."[28]
