Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Why don’t millennials like capitalism? Blame parents. Blame schools. Blame Obama.

Via Billy

I was positive that Bastiat had a quote that stated 'Socialism invariably turns into Communism' but after a search I see that it wasn't a quote but an explanation of how 'socialism must inevitably degenerate into communism.'
The Law By Frederic Bastiat is read in the 7th grade of the *Robinson Self Taught Homeschool Curriculum* I have the complete course on CD's as well as the  G.A. Henty Collection
at 1/2 price of $140.

As a society, we have done millennials a disservice. An entire generation of young people in America came of age during a decade of sluggish economic growth, and as a result, many are skeptical of free enterprise and capitalism. A stunning 2016 Harvard University survey of young adults between the ages of 18 and 29 found that 51 percent of respondents do not support capitalism. Millennial support for avowed socialist Bernie Sanders in the Democratic presidential primary was proof that young people today aren’t enamored with capitalism.

During the Obama years, the 18-29 age group heard countless presidential speeches railing against the evils of “crony” capitalism. President Obama told impressionable young voters if only the rich paid more taxes, everyone would be better off. But Obama’s tax and spend policies produced a predictably stagnant economy that stifled economic opportunity for young people.

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Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/news/politics-government/article161763868.html#storylink=cpyMore @ The States

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