Saturday, August 26, 2017

Charlottesville and Its Aftermath: What if It Was a Setup?

Via John

The "founder" of Unite The Right, Jason Kessler.He sees himself as a professional provocateur. What if he was a ringer, a phony who revels in riling up some crazy people for some political purpose?  


The ridiculous campaign by virtually every media outlet, every Democrat and far too many squishy Republicans to label Trump some kind of  racist and Nazi sympathizer is beginning to have the stink of an orchestrated smear.   The conflagration in Charlottesville is beginning to feel like a set-up, perhaps weeks or months in the planning.  Planned by whom?  Time may tell.  We know that Michael Signer, the mayor of Charlottesville, declared his city to be the "capital of the resistance" just after Trump's inauguration.  We know that Gov. Terry McAuliffe is a corruptocrat, joined at the hip to the Clintons.  He pardoned sixty-thousand felons in order to ensure he delivered his state to the presidential election of Hillary Clinton.  We know he would like to run for president himself.


  1. I started thinking this was a set-up too esp when the
    Nationalist's permit was revoked and all of a sudden
    ACLU comes to the rescue. Then permitless thugs show up
    and the Nationalists are pushed in their direction.

    1. Good point as the ACLU isn't known for impartial clients.
