Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Removing Confederate symbols will hurt Democrats

Via Billy


As you may know, I was not born in the U.S.  Our family came here in the 1960s from Cuba. 

I bring this up because I was not raised with passions one way or another about the South or the North – nor the Civil War, for that matter.  It's fascinating history, and I love watching every documentary or reading a book about it.

It's the kind of the family versus family fight, such as the ugly Spanish Civil War of the 1930s that many of our Spanish grandparents used to talk about. 

My point is that Civil War feelings are not in my blood, as is the case with many in the South or the black Americans who experienced segregation.  I have several good friends in Dallas who trace their heritage back to the Confederacy, and they're very proud of it.

Nevertheless, many Democrats keep saying removing the statues or renaming parks is being on the right side of history.  Let me warn them that it may mean being on the wrong side of election results, again.

recent poll by Rasmussen confirms what I am saying:

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