Kevin “KC” Massey filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request back in October 2016. He just received a response (FOIA Response). Though only two and a little bit of a third page, it is rather interesting. You can read the whole Response, though I will give some highlights. “xxx” indicates redactions, mostly names.
It begins with a Summary of Events, “On
September 2, 2014, Cameron County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) Investigator
and Task Force Officer (TFO) for the FBI Brownsville Field Office xxx
called ATF SA xxx for assistance on the ‘BP Militia’ case.” So, the
government had already set up an investigation on the “BP Militia”. So,
well, it wasn’t just a coincidence that the events of August 29, 2014
occurred as they did. (ATF=Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms; SA=Special
Agent; BP=Border Patrol; NFA=National Firearms Act)
Now, when we see the background, well:
“On September 2, 2014, CCSO Investigator xxx had called ATF SA xxx for assistance with the firearms from an arrest of a militia member that had been shot at by an United States Border Patrol Agent
over the weekend of August 29. 2014. xxx advised SA xxx that the BP
agent was following a group of illegals through the brush when he encountered a militia member pointing a firearm at him.
CCSO Investigator xxx also informed SA xxx that this militia member is a
previously convicted felon who was possibly in possession of NFA
More @ Outpost of Freedom
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