Friday, September 15, 2017

HuffPost: How Many Guns Do We Need? many guns do we need? The answer is simple. As many as we want.

Robert J. Benz, a contributor for “The Huffington Post,” is talking to “concerned citizens” about the “outrageous levels of gun violence” in the U.S.

In his latest post, Benz asked a person named “Gabi” the following question, “In 2008, the year Obama won the presidency, there were 12.7 million background checks. In his last full year as president, 2016, there were 27.5 million. How many guns do we need? And, what is this really about?”

Gabi, who is clearly a lackey for a gun control organization, responded, in part, by saying, “Robert, thank you for focusing on this profoundly vexing American issue…To answer your question, I think the increase in gun sales is really about greed disguised in the Second Amendment arguments that all guns and the right to buy guns will be taken away…”

Robert summed it up as, “Ok, so, profits at the expense of lives. This is a familiar theme.”

More @ Guns America