Monday, September 18, 2017

Trump’s DACA Dalliance: Incoherent, Infuriating, Unnecessary

Via Mike

DACA, DACA, DACA. Now, when I see or hear that acronym DACA, I just start to seethe.

DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] should have been scotched with a forked stick, like a snake on your patio, eight months ago, as Donald Trump promised would be done. Instead we're stuck with the damn thing apparently for ever, the Main Stream Media periodically whipping up their progressive followers into frenzies of compassion over picturesque little kiddies being ripped from the arms of their wailing mothers, hustled into cattle wagons, and shipped off to starvation and misery in Mexico.

First off, as I've pointed out before, DACA recipients have a median age somewhere in the high twenties, and a highest age—given the reliability of public record-keeping in rural Central America—very likely in the mid forties.

Second, there's no danger of starvation. Mexico was ranked ninth fattest country in the world in a report last year. Per capita GDP in Mexico is $19,000: not fantastic, but above the middle of world rankings, better than Brazil or China

Fourth, the propaganda about breaking up families is just that—propaganda, of the shallowest and emptiest kind. Of the many, many people I know who favor enforcing the laws against illegal aliens, not one has any objection to families going back home together. Since Mom and Dad are mostly illegal too, it is in fact what the law requires.


Mike Scruggs comments: The parents of DACA applicants would also be eligible for amnesty under present law. Amnesties are almost impossible to contain within narrow limits and stopping or reversing them once approved would be a few degrees harder than impossible.   Ironically, President Reagan thought he was approving only about 800,000 amnesties in 1986, but the total eventually ran to about 6.0 million. Reagan did realize later that the 1986 Amnesty was his biggest mistake as President.  According to Rep. Steve King of Iowa, that 6+ million kept on growing and by 2008 there were about 15 million new immigrants more inclined to elect Barack Obama President.

Unintentionally, Ronald Reagan made the election of Barack Obama possible. Even a small amnesty in 2017 could finish Trump and the Republican Party, including the hope of passing any conservative legislation or preventing more liberal immigration pretty much forever. My article coming out September 20-21 addresses the extremely high risk of amnesties to just and wise government. If the Durbin-Graham version of Dreamer amnesty passes, 3.7 million initial amnesties, the largest ever, could grow to 23 million through the chain migration. This is based on 1986 and later experience. 



  1. How are the DACA talks working out for Nancy Pelosi? The Democrats are vulnerable to attacks by Illegals as long as Repubs refuse amnesty. Keep working E verify and the Raise act so that Dems keep getting getting beat on by the illegals. They might just pass Trumps plan to escape the beatings. If nothing happens in 6 months they ALL go. indyjonesouthere
