Monday, October 30, 2017

Kevin Spacey Flew on ‘Lolita Express’ With Bill Clinton

Via Billy

Kevin Spacey Flew on 'Lolita Express' With Bill Clinton

Records show that alleged child molester Kevin Spacey flew on the infamous ‘Lolita Express’ – the private jet owned by pedophile Jeffrey Epstein – along with former President Bill Clinton.

The revelation has resurfaced in the aftermath of claims by actor Anthony Rapp that Spacey sexually assaulted him when he was a 14-year-old boy after a party at Spacey’s apartment in 1986 when Spacey, then 24, picked up Rapp, placed him on his bed and climbed on top of him.

Spacey subsequently apologized for the incident, but deflected by making the story about how he was now living as a gay man.

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  1. All of these perverts will answer for their crimes at the Judgement Seat Of Christ. They will join the devil and all of his cohorts in the lake of fire.........forever!

