Friday, October 13, 2017

Will We?

 TL Davis: American Exceptionalism  
 Pictures: 7th NC PATCON
Christian Mercenary
What appears to be chaos is not. The casual observer might not understand why millionaires playing a game are willing to attack and insult the people who fund their sport and spend big money to see them play. They might not understand why people protest and try to shut down free speech under the guise of being anti-fascist. They might not understand why people who claim to honor women and support them keep silent when they know they are being abused, assaulted and raped. They may not understand why homosexuals support Islam when the dictates of the Quoran call for the extermination of homosexuals.

The truth is actually very simple and clear. There is no such thing as the Democrat Party, it has been taken over by hard-core communists. Anyone paying attention during the last Democratic National Convention would have seen it in the Soviet flags that flew freely in the crowd and where there were almost no United States flags until after that obvious statement of their true beliefs. The next night, there were a lot of United States flags, but that was a PR move to quell criticism, because traditional Democrats haven't quite bought into the program. It is no secret, in fact it is in his book, that Barack Obama considered himself a Marxist right up until the time that he took the oath of office, but then that was just an editing procedure covered completely by the communist press.

None of this is designed as a put down, the Republican Party has plenty of communists in its own ranks, but they are just less self-aware than the Democrats. From an objective point of view, there is very little of the traditional Constitutional republic left of our nation. The government controls industry through the EPA, OSHA, labor laws, DHS, Commerce, the ACA, etc. Just because the government doesn't own the means of production doesn't mean that it hasn't encumbered industry to the point of control. They can destroy whole industries with one regulation, as Barack Obama proved through rules enacted by the EPA to destroy the coal industry. It took effect too late in his presidency for a complete destruction, but had Hillary been elected it would have ended it for good. Hillary stated this intent with the political acumen she is known for before the election. But, you see, she thought the fix was in and she didn't have to worry about the "fly-over people."

What seems like chaos, is really the end game. The deep state has enough power; the FBI and the CIA are corrupt enough now; the college students have been indoctrinated enough; there are enough communist-leaning illegal aliens to swing elections that they are sure that they can come right after the football crowd, the traditional American citizens who don't pay a lot of attention to politics, but get their social fix through association with sports teams.

What the communists are looking for are points of conflict, those small divisions between us that they can exploit to make those social divisions a reason and excuse to foment hate. They need to drive one side to the furthest extreme in order to push the other side to violence. They even use violence to push the other side to proactively defend themselves with violence. None of this is new, this is how the communists have taken power in numerous countries in the past and the playbook is being run here and now. The more they can get us to focus on one issue rather than the big picture, the easier it is for them to succeed. So, that is what they are doing, it is what Barack Obama did and the more egregious the offense, the closer they can push the single-issue people to the breaking point.

The point is not that one shouldn't be upset by the individual issues, the outrageous and the infuriating, but Black Lives Matter and Planned Parenthood are the same things; anti-American athletes and Antifa are the same things; boys using the girl's bathrooms and girls in the Boy Scouts are the same things. They are all designed to drive one group away from the other and characterize them as "evil." This is the language of genocide, it is the process of breaking down the barriers to physical confrontation in the civilized mind. It starts with disarming the "evil" ones, which translates to those who believe in individual liberties secured by the Constitution. They cannot establish a communist nation with a bunch of heavily armed individuals who will resist that final pronouncement. This is why the Second Amendment needs to be defended against any and all infringements from now until the end of time, because once that is gone, the communists will be free to prosecute their murderous agenda.

The bad news for the communists in America is that they have spent one hundred years struggling to achieve their successes and the Constitutional republic hasn't even begun to fight. The only real question is will we?


  1. Great article. Communists are like cockroaches - you just
    can't get rid of them. In fact they are perfecting their
    agenda as seen in today's environment. SCRAM
    Nice little article on the real American, Ron Paul:

    1. Nice little article on the real American, Ron Paul

      Absolutely. Just think, he could have been P 2008-2016 and what a different nation we would have.

  2. You betcha. A sad, sad day for America. We end up with vermin.

  3. You know, that incompetent, criminal FBI has taken over the
    Las Vegas investigation. Just wondering how the FBI got
    involved. Supposedly, they can only be invited. Or maybe
    their aggressive asses pushed their way in.
    Sheriff Lambardo does not seem too pleased by their intrusion.

    1. Sheriff Lambardo does not seem too pleased by their intrusion.

      That's good. Do you have a link?

  4. Just watching the video of the Sheriff talking with that
    FBI person lording over him. Did you hear about the FBI
    confiscating cell phones from the concert goers and returning
    them wiped clean:

    Also, there were shootings going on all over. On WLOS, a
    woman from Spruce Pine, NC was at the Tropicana Hotel/Casino
    attending a function with her daughter when shooting started
    there. She said people were scrambling and hitting the
    floor. She is a native Spruce Pine person, country, so I
    believed her. More to this then meets the eye.
    I probably heard about FBI taking-over on Tucker.

    1. Thanks and I saw his initial post.

    2. Thanks.
