Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Campus newspaper editorial: 'Your [white] DNA is an abomination'

Via Billy

 The editorial also suggests that

Andrew Homann, former TSU student body president, took to Facebook to express his disgust with the blatantly anti-white piece.
“Just when you think the opinion's columns in the University Star couldn't get any worse, they publish this masterpiece and exceed my expectations,” Homann posted.
A new opinion piece in a Texas State University student newspaper tells white students “Your DNA is an Abomination.”

“When I think of all the white people I have ever encountered - whether they’ve been professors, peers, lovers, friend, police officers, et cetera - there is perhaps only a dozen I would consider ‘decent,’” student author Rudy Martinez writes in the University Star.

Without much biological explanation, Martinez informs white readers, “You were not born white. You became white… You don’t give a damn.” Later in his rant, he calls the police “fascist foot soldiers” and says a “white supremacist inhabits the White House.”

The editorial also suggests that “whiteness in the United States” is a “construct used to perpetuate a system of racist power.”


  1. How long before he returns to the non white paradise that is Mexico or where ever it is that he fled from?

  2. Anit-racist is code word for anti-White.

    So, while many of us pat ourselves on the back for embracing the "browning" of our heritage, let us also ponder the consequences for our posterity once these people are in power.

    Y'all have a nice day.

  3. Whites still have more "legal" firearms and are better trained at using them to defend the "white population" so when/if the balloon goes up we'll see which race is "over". Make no mistake you misinformed white hating folks. That's not a threat it's a promise.

  4. I was dreaming for another Operation Wetback and hoping Trump
    would be Santa. I would like to have seen the Operation
    Wetback roundup.

    1. Just have some cowboys round them up and drive them south. :)

  5. Does Rhodesia ring a bell?
